- Professionally trained staff
- Easy access
- Large playgrounds
- Developmentally appropriate activities
- Rooms equipped with state-of-the-art early childhood equipment
- Daily USDA approved breakfast, lunch, and snacks
- Reopening: What you need to know
- Welcome to CYS
Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families. Within CYS you will find something to meet your children’s needs, including:
- Full, part time or hourly child care
- Before/after school care
- Camps
- Programs for your middle school and teen youth
- Instructional classes
- Workforce preparation opportunities
- Sports and fitness activities
Today’s CYS programs, deemed a "model for the nation" by Presidential acclaim, continue to operate on these cornerstones:
- Quality – Child care is DoD-certified and nationally accredited
- Availability – Child care is available on- and off-post
- Affordability – Fees for various programs are competitively priced and affordable regardless of sponsor's income
- Accountability - To safeguard the Army's resources by efficient management oversight, good fiscal stewardship, reducing waste and protecting assets of programs and services to Soldiers and their Families.
- Child Development Center (CDC): 6 weeks - 5 years (Kindergarten)
Full Day Care
Ages 6 weeks-Kindergarten*
CDCs are on-post child care centers that may offer full-day, part-day and hourly care for children in nationally accredited environments. Check with your local community about additional childcare options.
Full Day 5 to 12 hours per day - services offered to children ages 6 weeks – 5 years old Pre-Kindergarten/Strong Beginnings Strong Beginnings is a 3 hour/day program 5 days/week that provides school readiness skills for children turning 4 by 1 September
* In some communities, Kindergarten children may be located in the School Age Center
- School Age Centers (SAC): Grades K-5/6*
Army School Age Centers provide care during:
- School closures
- Seasonal and holiday school breaks
- Summer Camp
- Hourly Care
Children have access to computer labs and utilize standard curricula through formal partnerships with nationally-recognized organizations such as 4-H and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA).
* Depending on school configuration. Some states have children 12 years old in sixth grade.
- Family Child Care: 4 weeks - Grades 5/6*
Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood Centers (ACCYN) Providers:
- Personnel have required background checks
- Centers have national accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- Receive training and support
- Are regularly visited by CYS Community Based Program Manager
- Babysitter Referral Services
Looking for a Teen Babysitter? Looking to be a Teen Babysitter? CYS offers training following the 4-H babysitter curriculum in becoming a certified Teen Babysitter. Teen military family members in grades 7 and up looking to expand and market themselves for babysitting jobs can be placed on the babysitter's referral list with parent permission.
Military parents needing babysitters must complete a request form located at Parent Central Services. Once parents complete the required form, they will receive a list of babysitter information based on specified requirements (location, availability, etc). After receiving a list of babysitters, parents can make arrangements directly with the babysitter. All arrangements and fees for care are between the parent and babysitter.
CYS offers Babysitting Referral Services for registered families. Babysitters on the referral list are 13 years or older, have certification in First Aid and CPR, and are trained in:
- Developmentally appropriate play
- Recognition of child abuse/neglect
- Emergency procedures and interviewing
Stop by Parent Central Services to find out more information.
- Waiting List
It is sometimes necessary for families to be placed on a waiting list for child care if care is not readily available. The waiting period may be different for each program and age group. You may place your child(ren) on the waiting list by visiting Parent Central Services.

Our Child Development Center serves children ages 6 weeks to Preschool.
2020 APS Return (PDF)
CYS Health and Wellness (PDF)